Member Organizations

Puerto Rico Escogio Estadidad (Puerto Rico Chose Statehood)
Non-partisan grassroots organization based in Puerto Rico that advocates for statehood for Puerto Rico by holding events, rallies, demonstrations and doing other educational activism. Follow them on Twitter @TuitEstadistas.

Puerto Rico Star Project (Proyecto Estrella)
Non-profit organization that educates the public about statehood for the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. Previously branded as “Proyecto Estrella”. Follow them on Twitter @PRStarProject

Puerto Rico Statehood Council
The Puerto Rico Statehood Council (PRSC) is a Washington, D.C. based, non-partisan, 501(c)4 non-profit issue advocacy organization working to advance the goal of achieving equality for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico through statehood. Follow them on Twitter @PuertoRico51st

National Puerto Rican Equality Coalition
NAPREC is a 501 (c)4, nonpartisan and non-governmental non-profit organization, that aims to unite citizens around the United States in civic action to empower, educate, and fight for the equality of Puerto Ricans and equality through statehood for those living on the island. Follow them on Twitter @PRECoalition

Igualdad Futuro Seguro (Equality Secure Future)
Igualdad is a Political Action Committee (PAC) independent, autonomous and not affiliated with organized political or partisan organizations. It has the sole purpose of defending statehood ideals and promoting the struggle for equality of American citizens residing in Puerto Rico. Their mission embraces the absolute commitment to fulfilling political equality for American citizens in the territory of Puerto Rico. Follow them on Twitter @PRIgualdad51

Puerto Rican National Coalition for Rights & Equality (Coalición Pro Derechos e Igualdad)
Coalition of activists seeking to unite Puerto Ricans in the 50 states to support the mandate of the majority of voters on the island for statehood. Working to end the unjust territorial/colonial regime, and to achieve full rights and equality for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico. Follow them on Twitter @PR51CPDEI

Puerto Rico Statehood Supporters - DMV
Group uniting citizen advocates from the DMV area (DC, Virginia y Maryland) in support of statehood for Puerto Rico. Focused on education and carrying out events to advance statehood for Puerto Rico.

Movimiento Revolución Estadista (Statehood Revolution Movement)
A multi-sector collaborative of grassroots supporters of statehood for Puerto Rico focused on building a citizen movement in the U.S. mainland and in Puerto Rico, U.S.A. We organize digital activism, in-person demonstrations and events, and other efforts to get the word out about the Puerto Rico statehood cause.

Las Estrellas Azules (The Blue Stars)
A group of online and in-person advocates based mostly in Puerto Rico dedicated to adding the island's star to the American flag. We are open minded activists seeking Puerto Rico statehood as a means to obtain full voting rights at the federal level, improve the island's healthcare, education and transportation systems, as a means of achieving a sustainable entrepreneur driven economy with a well paid workforce and public safety for all.

Young Democrats of Puerto Rico
Political organization focused on young Democrats from ages 16 to 35. The Young Democrats of Puerto Rico is the official youth arm of the Puerto Rico Democratic Party. Focused on promoting inclusive, diverse, responsible and responsive government.

Young Republican Federation of Puerto Rico
Political organization engaging young Republicans ages 18-40 in support of good governance, freedom of opportunity, ethical capitalism and statehood for Puerto Rico.

Frente Estadista (Pro-Statehood Front)
Non-partisan civic organization dedicated to ensuring the representation of Puerto Rico statehood supporters regardless of party affiliation. We promote participation and inclusion through civic events, electoral participation and media efforts in Puerto Rico, Washington, DC, and the 50 states. We believe support for statehood must be enacted on multiple scenarios and are committed to complete "PRoject Statehood". Follow them on Twitter @EstadistaFrente

Boricuas con Kamala
Group of Puerto Rican individuals who support Kamala Harris as the 1st Woman Vice President of the U.S. and who also support the right of the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico to vote in Presidential elections and achieve full citizen equality through statehood for Puerto Rico.

Institute for Statehood and Public Policy
Think tank operating in San Juan and Washington, DC focused on the discussion and development of ideas and public policy proposals to advance good governance and statehood for Puerto Rico. Follow them on Twitter @ISPPorg

Demócratas Activaos
Demócratas Activaos is a grassroots group of Pro Puerto Rico Statehood Democrats working to educate Democrats about Puerto Rico and organizing to elect Pro Puerto Rico Statehood Democrats.

52 States of America
Youth-led movement focused on fixing America's broken democracy and demanding equal statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

True Freedom 51
Conservative Puerto Rico registered non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Judeo-Christian values and the belief that the best way to defend those values is through Puerto Rico's permanent union with the U.S. as a state. We are primarily engaged in outreach and education to churches and religious communities.

Puerto Rico Ahora Sí (Yes Now Puerto Rico)
Youth led civic movement which began as an effort to educate, raise awareness and promote the equality represented by voting "YES" to Puerto Rico statehood in the November 2020 plebiscite. The group focuses on engaging young people in Puerto Rico and the states to become active voters, advocates and promoters of equality for Puerto Rico through statehood.

U.S. Council for Puerto Rico Statehood
Founded by former U.S. Conference of Mayors President Hernán Padilla, for over 30 years the U.S. Council for Puerto Rico Statehood has been a leading national voice in support of enabling Puerto Rico's logical, rightful and orderly transition from territory to state of the United States. Follow them on Twitter @uscprs.

Movimineto Estadista Puertorriqueño (Puerto Rican Statehood Movement)
A non-partisan network of supporters and advocates of statehood for Puerto Rico dedicated to inspiring U.S. citizens to advance this cause and not leave it only in the hands of political parties or elected officials. We oppose all territorial tax breaks that prevent full equality and statehood for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico.

Renacer Ideologico Estadista (Ideological Statehood Reborn)
Educational citizens movement in opposition to Puerto Rico's colonial territory status. We educate about the virtues of statehood for Puerto Rico. Follow them on Twitter @RIEestadidad51

Votar es Poder (Voting is Power)
A group of grassroots activists that seek to expand voting rights and political power for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico through statehood. They engage in ongoing advocacy and education about the Puerto Rico statehood movement to raise awareness and inspire others to take action.
PR51 Unidos por la Estadidad - Guaynabo City Chapter of the Puerto Rican National Coalition for Rights & Equality (Coalición Pro Derechos e Igualdad)
The Guaynabo City chapter of CDPI, which is a national coalition of activists seeking to unite Puerto Ricans in the 50 states to support the mandate of the majority of voters on the island for statehood. Working to end the unjust territorial/colonial regime, and to achieve full rights and equality for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico. Follow them on Twitter @PR51CPDEI

LIFT A VET is a 501(c)(3) Maryland - Puerto Rico based nonprofit organization. Their principal aims are to assist veterans and their families worldwide, including the U.S., Puerto Rico and other territories through the challenges they may be facing in life, linked to their military service.

Puerto Rico Statehood Project
Puerto Rico Statehood Project is a citizen led, non-partisan, Puerto Rico based non-profit organization founded in 2021. Their purpose is to educate and disseminate information to advance the statehood cause in all forums in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Congress, the states and internationally.

Veterans for Puerto Rico Statehood Task Force
Veterans for Puerto Rico Statehood Task Force aims to bring together veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces from all branches of service, on and off the island, to advocate for full equality and voting rights for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have served in the U.S. military for over a century, they have bravely defended America's democracy abroad with great sacrifice, and many have paid the ultimate price. They have earned the right to have full democracy at home when they return to Puerto Rico, and that is only possible through statehood.

Young Professionals for Puerto Rico Statehood
Young Professionals for Puerto Rico Statehood brings together the voices of a new generation of young professionals on the island who understand that full equality and democracy through statehood is the best opportunity to make real progress toward Puerto Rico's future. Their objective as a nonprofit organization is to work with Congress to admit Puerto Rico as a State of the Union, respecting the will of the majority of the island's voters.

Want to Join Our Network?
Whether you're brand new to the cause of Puerto Rico statehood, an occasional volunteer, a veteran activist or the leader of an established organization, we believe everyone has a role to play and something to contribute to the Puerto Rico statehood movement. Fill out the form below so we can connect with you.